E-Commerce Platform

A fully functional e-commerce site with Stripe payment integration and task scheduling using node-cron.

Technologies Used:


React is used for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces with reusable components.


Node.js enables server-side scripting and handles backend logic, providing a scalable and efficient environment.


MongoDB stores data in a flexible, JSON-like format, making it ideal for applications requiring scalability and fast iterations.


Stripe is a payment gateway that provides a seamless and secure way to process payments online.


Node-cron is used to schedule and automate tasks, such as periodically deleting unverified users from the database.


Integrating multiple payment methods and scheduling tasks for user management.


Used Stripe API for seamless payment integration and Node-cron for task scheduling.


Enhanced user engagement, streamlined user management, and increased sales.

Project Showcase Video:

Folder Structure:

├── /backend               # Backend folder (Node.js + Express)
│   ├── /config            # Configuration (e.g., environment variables, database)
│   ├── /controllers       # Business logic and request handling
│   ├── /models            # Mongoose models for MongoDB
│   ├── /routes            # API routes (e.g., auth, products, orders)
│   ├── /middleware        # Custom middleware (e.g., auth, error handling)
│   ├── /utils             # Utility functions (e.g., token generation, email, etc.)
│   ├── server.js          # Main entry point for the backend server
│   ├── .env               # Environment variables (e.g., database URL, secret keys)
│   └── package.json       # Backend dependencies and scripts
├── /frontend              # Frontend folder (React)
│   ├── /src
│   │   ├── /components    # Reusable UI components (e.g., product cards, buttons)
│   │   ├── /pages         # Application pages (e.g., Home, Product, Checkout)
│   │   ├── /context       # Global state management (e.g., Context API, Redux)
│   │   ├── /services      # API services (e.g., fetch products, user authentication)
│   │   ├── /assets        # Static assets (e.g., images, icons, videos)
│   │   ├── App.js         # Main application component
│   │   ├── index.js       # Entry point for the React app
│   │   ├── /styles        # CSS or SCSS files
│   │   └── /hooks         # Custom hooks (e.g., useAuth, useCart)
│   ├── package.json       # Frontend dependencies and scripts
├── /node_modules          # Auto-generated by npm or yarn
├── .gitignore             # Git ignore rules
├── README.md              # Project documentation
└── package.json           # Root package.json if using a monorepo (optional)